
Proko 人绘基础付费版(中文字幕)-123课时

【14272】-Proko 人绘基础付费版(中文字幕)-123课时

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  • 资源简介:Proko 人绘基础付费版(中文字幕)-123课时
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    Proko 人绘基础付费版(中文字幕)-123课时

    1a:How to Draw Gesture (91MB)
    1b:How to Draw Gesture-Step by Step(267MB)
    1c&d:Gesture Quicksketch-26 examples (701MB)
    1e:Gesture Critiques with Marshall Vandruff(936MB)
    2a:How to Simplify the Motion of the Torso-The Bean (138MB)
    2b:Bean Examples-Tilt and Lean-23 examples(204MB)
    2c:Bean Examples-Twisting-22 examples(238MB)
    2d:Bean Examples-Foreshortening-13 examples(137MB)
    3a:Structure Basics-Making Things Look 3D (81MB)
    4a:Landmarks of the Body(40MB)
    4b:Landmarks Example 1-Back(164MB)
    4c:Landmarks Example 2-Front (192MB)
    4d:Landmarks Example 3-Another Back(160MB)
    4e:Landmarks Example 4-Extreme Scapula Position (66MB)
    5a:How to Draw Structure in the Body-Robo Bean (88MB)
    5b:Robo Bean Examples-Step by Step (622MB)
    6a:Manneguinization-Structure of the Human Body(165MB)
    6b:Mannequinization Examples(1.2GB)
    7a:Structure Basics Critiques(176MB)
    7b:The Bean Critiques(148MB)
    7c:Landmarks Critiques (55MB)
    7 d:Robo Bean Critiques(200M旧】
    7e:Mannequinization Critiques(203MB)
    8a:How to Draw Balanced Poses(57MB)
    9a:How to Draw Exaggerated Poses (68MB)
    9b:Exaggeration-Step by Step (319MB)
    10a:Human Proportions-Average Figure (32MB)
    10b:Human Proportions Cranial Units (43MB)
    10c:Human Proportions-ldealistic Figure (15MB)
    11a:Measuring Techniques (74MB)
    11b:How to Practice and Check Your Measuring(16MB)
    12 Prerequisite:Supplies Overview(31MB)
    12 Prerequisite:How to Sharpen a Charcoal Pencil (55MB)
    12 Prerequisite:Shading Light and Form-Basics(112MB)
    12 Prerequisite:The Basic Elements-Shape,Value,Color,Edge(96MB)
    12a:How to Hold and Control Your Pencil (120MB)
    12b:Drawing Supplies I Use for Longer Drawings (78MB)
    12c:How to Shade a Drawing(179MB)
    13a:Yoni Figure Drawing Timelapse(189MB)
    13b:Linear Layin-Basic Shapes(143MB)
    13c:Linear Layin-Anatomical Forms (330MB)
    13d:Linear Layin-Shadow Mapping (169MB)
    13e:Shading-General Tonal Composition(322MB)
    13f:Shading-Upper Body Details(848MB)
    13g:Shading-Leg Details(499MB)
    13h:Shading-Background and Final Touches(236MB)
    13i:Figure Drawing Shading Critique (58MB)
    14:Closing Thoughts(28MB)

    Proko 人绘基础付费版(中文字幕)-123课时
    百度网盘分享地址: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/18FWIFIzG8pNe2smIHe7g_A?pwd=ip5c 提取码: ip5c