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  • 资源简介:雪人C4D风格图教程(中文字幕)
  • 详细描述


    P101.Welcome Trailer
    P2 02.About Styleframes
    P3 01.What are Design Elements
    P4 02.Shapes & Colors
    P5 03.YETIs Styleframes analysis
    P6 01.Intro & Rythm
    P7 02.Unity & Harmony
    P8 03.Balance
    P9 04.Emphasis
    P10 05.Contrast
    P1101. Framing Elements & Objects
    P12 02. Aspect Ratios
    P13 03. How to lead the eye
    P14 04. Entrance & Exit
    P1505. Letter O
    P1606. Letters C,Z,S
    P1706. Letters L.V-Triangle & Cross
    P1807. Root of Rectangles & Golden Se... 0
    P19 08. Harmonic Armature & Rule of Th...
    P20 09. Diagonal & Arabesque lines
    P2110.Steelyard Balance
    P22 11.Frames Analysis
    P2312.Lighting Patterns
    P24 13.Light Distribution
    P25 14.Lighting Examples
    P26 15.Light Bounces
    P27 01.Environment Styleframe Sketching
    P28 02.Environment Styleframe Overview
    P29 03.Procedural Landscape creation
    P30 04.Foliage distribution with C4D Fie..
    P3101. Bullets' Styleframe Overview
    P32 02.C4D Dynamics
    P33. Octane Random Color
    P34 04. Typo Projection in Octane
    P3505. Bullets' Styleframe Analysis
    P3601. Extremism' Styleframe Overview
    P37 02. Creating procedural design pat..
    P38 03. Using VDBs
    P39 04. Extremism' Styleframe Analysis
    P4001. Fruitless' Styleframe Overview
    P41 02. Fruitless' Styleframe Analysis
    P42 01. Nightlyers' Styleframe Overview
    P43 02. Design patterns with X-Particles
    P44 01.' Aurora' Styleframe Overview
    P4502.X-Particles & Octane
    P46 03.' Aurora' Styleframe Analysis
    P47 01.' Nirvana' Styleframe Overview
    P48 02. Voronoi Fracture & X-Particles
    P49 03. Nirvana' Styleframe Analysis

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