
01. Introduction.srt
02. Download Assets.srt
03. Base Classes and Character Setup.srt
04. Attackers and Defenders Class Setup.srt
05. Fleshing Out The First Test Level.srt
06. Finishing Touches on the Level.srt
07. Team Selection Widget.srt
08. Setting Up Player Spawning.srt
09. Player Spawning part 2.srt
1. Introduction.mp4
10. Player Spawning part 3.mp4
10. Player Spawning part 3.srt
11. Adding First Person Arms.mp4
11. Adding First Person Arms.srt
12. Adding Third Person Weapon Blueprint.mp4
12. Adding Third Person Weapon Blueprint.srt
13. Weapon Structure and Adding Rifle Socket.mp4
13. Weapon Structure and Adding Rifle Socket.srt
14. Attaching Rifle to Third Person Mesh.mp4
14. Attaching Rifle to Third Person Mesh.srt
15. Attaching Rifle to First Person Arms.mp4
15. Attaching Rifle to First Person Arms.srt
16. Initial Firing Logic Setup.mp4
16. Initial Firing Logic Setup.srt
17. Line Trace and Damaging Players.mp4
17. Line Trace and Damaging Players.srt
18. Player UI Crosshair and Reducing Health.mp4
62. Sniper Rifle Firing Logic.mp4
62. Sniper Rifle Firing Logic.srt
63. First Person Sniper Setup.mp4
63. First Person Sniper Setup.srt
64. Right-Click Aiming With Sniper Rifle.mp4
64. Right-Click Aiming With Sniper Rifle.srt
65. Sniper Recoil and Spread While Moving.mp4
65. Sniper Recoil and Spread While Moving.srt
66. Accurate Only While Aiming and Aiming AimOffset.mp4
66. Accurate Only While Aiming and Aiming AimOffset.srt
67. BuyArea Actor Initial Setup.mp4
67. BuyArea Actor Initial Setup.srt
68. Create and Open BuyMenu Widget.mp4
68. Create and Open BuyMenu Widget.srt
69. Continue Widget Creation and Auto Close Menu.mp4
69. Continue Widget Creation and Auto Close Menu.srt
7. Team Selection Widget.mp4
70. Reduce Player Money When Purchasing.mp4
70. Reduce Player Money When Purchasing.srt
71. Spawning Purchased Weapon.mp4
71. Spawning Purchased Weapon.srt
72. Get Money Killing Players.mp4
72. Get Money Killing Players.srt
8. Setting Up Player Spawning.mp4
9. Player Spawning part 2.mp4