
01. Setting Up an Optimized Environment for Drawing.mp4
02. Shaping the Basic Human Body.mp4
03. 3-D Composition and Expressing Motion(1).mp4
03. 3-D Composition and Expressing Motion.mp4
04. 3-D Expressions of Major Joints such as Hands and Feet.mp4
05. Ways of Expressing Different Characters.mp4
06. Understanding Core Light Theory.mp4
07. Understanding Core Color Theory.mp4
08. Shadow Colors as Affected by Lighting.mp4
09. Design Ideas and Collecting Reference.mp4
10. Actualizing Design Ideas.mp4
11. Switching into different design elements.mp4
12. Silhouettes and Compositions for Character Design Understanding.mp4
15. Silhouettes and Compositions for Character Design expression.mp4
16. Design Sketch.mp4
17. Tips for 3-D Design. mp4
18. Organizing Character Draft. mp4
19. Sketch and Organizing Lines, Painting the Base Color. mp4
20. First-Coating the Color of Shadow Based on the Lighting Settings. mp4
21. Actual Depiction 1 Depicting Large Parts. mp4
22. Actual Depiction 2 Depicting Small Parts. mp4
23. Additional Depiction Knowhow to Raise Details. mp4
24. Additional Depiction Expression of Materials and Light. mp4
25. Finishing the Painting Correction and Wrap-up. mp4
26. To Everyone Who Loves Painting. mp4